Abnormal transport

Transport of a Panther to Pyrocar 2018

On Friday 17, and Saturday 18 August 2018, the fire-fighting and rescue vehicle trade fair PyroCar will be held at Přibyslav Airport in the Havlíčkův Brod region. 
According to the organisers, the main attraction will be a special Panther airport crash tender, which was transported to the venue by PRETOL’s oversized cargo transport department. “We transported the special vehicle on Thursday from the Austrian town of Leonding, directly from the premises of the manufacturer, Rosenbauer International AG,“ says manager of the oversized cargo transport department Milan Adamec.
The Panther is a high-capacity tank truck equipped with the very latest fire-fighting technology. As well as this giant, a Tigon special truck designed for sand terrain with a Czech Tatra off-road chassis is also heading to PyroCar from Austria.

The transportation of the Panther truck was also covered by the media. You can read the article from the Havlíčkobrodský deník newspaper nbsp;zde (in Czech).


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