It is vital to us that we do a PRECISE job throughout the Company.

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The word “can’t” is not in our vocabulary. We will always find a way.

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We are capable of quickly adapting to the customer’s needs, even in today’s technical word.

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We are a socially responsible company with firm morals and rules.

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PRETOL is one of the few companies where a handshake still means something.

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    The history of PRETOL® dates back to 1999 when a small family-owned vehicle rescue business was founded in the region of Havlíčkův Brod. As time passed, this local business grew into a leading company in the field.

    In 2017, when we marked our symbolic entry into adulthood, we primarily operated on the D1 motorway, which is the main traffic artery in the Czech Republic. Towards the end of 2007, PRETOL® launched a new facility in Humpolec, located near exit 90 on the D1. This allows us to respond immediately when a driver faces difficulties or when there are obstructions on this crucial highway.

    In our commitment to ensure the safety of this critical infrastructure and better serve our clients, we have progressively expanded our operations. Today, in addition to vehicle rescue and recovery, we offer a diverse range of services to both our existing and prospective clients. These services include abnormal transport, construction projects, repair of damage caused by traffic accidents, manufacturing and repairing of special superstructures, and servicing and repairs of all truck brands, with a particular emphasis on the MAN brand.

    Our facility in Humpolec is equipped with an online diagnostics, engine and body shop, paint shop, and car wash. Our company's reputation was further improved when we became a part of the Integrated Rescue Services of the Vysočina Region. Thanks to our close collaboration with the fire department we have developed extensive expertise in resolving the aftermath of traffic accidents and weather impacts.

    Since our establishment, we have completed numerous significant projects, including resolving the aftermath of the largest multi-car collision in the Czech Republic's history in 2008. Thanks to exceptional coordination and cooperation with other rescue services, we were able to rescue and remove over 100 vehicles from the D1 motorway. Mirek Topolánek, the then-Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, and RNDr Miloš Vystrčil, the Governor of the Vysočina Region, acknowledged and praised PRETOL HB® for its critical role and crucial contribution in that event. The company has received various other awards for its  efforts.

    To continually enhance our internal operations and the effectiveness of our processes, PRETOL® employees actively participate in ongoing efforts to improve the efficiency of our services. Our business operation has held the ISO 9001 certification since 2004 to validate our commitment to delivering high-quality services. 

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  • Our mission is to help the public and our customers in the field of road transport. Using modern technology and our special equipment, we ensure that the customer’s needs are met as quickly as possible, with regard to safety, the environment and the fastest possible availability.
  • We are able to achieve this because, even in the modern age of technological convenience, high-quality work carried out by our own people is of the utmost importance to us. We are a Czech company oriented towards modern technology, which we adapt to our work. Above all, we respect the value of our employees, support them in their work, and constantly motivate them to provide an honest performance. We don’t stand still, but are always improving ourselves.


  • We aim to continuously develop and specialise our Company. The principles of our conduct will continue to be founded on the values of a family company in the future.
  • We want to constantly be in motion.To use our own ideas and experience to improve the quality of our work. We don’t want to be the biggest company, but rather to be precise and to stay one step ahead of the rest. And we will continue to adapt our steps to this aim in the future.
But wanting is not enough, because everybody wants to succeed. It is important to put things in motion, to do the absolute maximum and to be persistent. The best thing about all this is the fact that I still enjoy it after all these years.



PRETOL’s code of conduct is based on the Company’s mission and vision. The rules of the code of conduct specify the manner in which employees should act and behave towards our customers and partners, towards their colleagues and the Company, and towards the public and our planet. Compliance with the code of conduct by our employees is a fundamental requirement of the Company. As a result, each of them helps to create an image of the Company which is based on the rules and principles described below.

Our conduct primarily reflects the values of a family company and the requirement to meet the customer’s needs in the highest quality and as quickly as possible, with regard to safety and the environment. We conduct ourselves in a way that allows us to create positive interpersonal relationships and the good reputation of the Company.

When performing our work, we adhere to principles for acting which contribute to the Company’s reputation and increased customer satisfaction. We act in a manner which does not damage our competition, the environment we work in, or the people we work with. The actions of each of our employees are governed by the principles specified below.
Behavior principles
Principles of action


Honest behaviour is a fundamental value of our Company. We supply our customers with all information which is important for them and which does not constitute sensitive internal information which could disclose Company know-how or damage the Company’s reputation. We honour our agreements or, if it is not possible to adhere to an agreement, we apologise to parties who could incur damage and propose another resolution.

Respect for the Environment

We behave in a manner that protects the environment. We comply with principles for correct handling of hazardous waste, we sort waste and always take care not to contaminate the environment.

Respect for People

Employees respect their colleagues, superiors, partners and customers. They respect their personal and working space, as well as their opinions, even if they don’t necessarily share the same opinion as a particular employee. Employees never provide customers’ personal data to third parties and take care to ensure that such data is not abused. We consider personal data to include the registration number of customer’s vehicle. If we publish photos containing a vehicle’s registration plate, we therefore modify them to make sure that the plate is not visible. We adhere to agreements that we make with others, or apologise in good time so that any potential failure to meet an agreement does not interfere with the plans of the other person. Respect for people does not only comprise respect and consideration for our co-workers and customers, but to all people we come into contact with. 

The Company management is well aware that people at all levels form the foundation of the organisation, and that their full involvement allows for using their skills to the benefit of the entire Company. Leaders create and maintain an internal environment where people can fulfil their potential and engage in the achievement of the organisation’s goals. The Company respects the dignity, privacy and personality of all employees, customers and business partners, regardless of race, gender, age, language, religion and other characteristics. The Company management treats all employees fairly and takes care to keep personal data confidential. When recruiting new employees, we always provide full and truthful information.


All of our employees represent PRETOL through their exterior demeanour. They therefore behave in compliance with this code of conduct, respect confidentiality and do not provide any internal information to third parties. They do not abuse their position in the Company for their own personal interests or for those of third parties. While carrying out their work, all employees protect the Company’s property and ensure that it is used for the correct purposes.


We put emphasis on teamwork, sharing experience and mutual support and help between colleagues. We respect each other and always behave in a way which ensures that the outcome of our entire team’s work contributes to the highest possible satisfaction of the customer’s needs and the Company’s reputation. Common interests take priority over the personal benefit of individuals. All employees bear full responsibility for their work and, if they encounter problems with a particular task, they always inform their superior or a competent colleague. Admitting our mistakes does not mean humiliation. On the contrary, we appreciate it when people draw attention to obstacles to their work in good time, so that others can help to address the problem and find a solution. 


We pride ourselves in a professional approach to our work. Employees are trained in their fields, take a pro-customer approach and conduct themselves in compliance with our corporate culture. They constantly receive education in their fields thanks to participation in professional training events and thanks to their own interest in the particular fields. Furthermore, they use knowledge and experience which they have obtained to improve the work of the entire team. 

Pro-Customer Approach

Our mission is to help the public and our customers in the field of road transport. We aim to meet our customers’ needs as quickly as possible with regard to safety, the environment, and the fastest possible availability. We always strive to accommodate our customers to the maximum possible extent, however, never to the detriment of occupational safety. PRETOL makes an effort to understand the current needs and future expectations of its customers, so that employees are always prepared to accommodate the customer to the best of their abilities. Authorised employees who are unable to meet a customer’s needs on site have to inform their superior without delay.

The long-term satisfaction of our customers is more important to us than instant profit, which is why we always concentrate on increasing customer satisfaction. We welcome any suggestions from our customers and incorporate them into our further strategies. Whatever the circumstances, customers are always entitled to decent treatment regardless of race, gender, age, language, religion and other characteristics.

Acceptance of Gifts

Our employees undertake not to accept any gifts from anyone, whether monetary or material gifts, which could give the donor an advantage in work matters. Employees can only accept promotional items with a maximum value of CZK 500 as gifts. They must inform their superiors about the receipt of such gifts immediately. 


Our actions ensure that customers always know what they are paying for and why. We provide evidence of our activities as required by contracts and internal regulations. On 1 July 2016, the Act on the Register of Contracts (Act No. 340/2015 Coll.) entered into effect. In this register interested parties can find contracts entered into with our Company which meet criteria for mandatory publication. We reject corruption and are well aware that transparency is the most efficient way to combat it. 


All employees are obliged to protect their own health and safety, as well as the health and safety of persons they come into direct contact with, to the best of their abilities. Knowledge of basic requirements ensuing from legislation and other regulations and requirements of the employer for occupational health and safety is a permanent and inseparable part of our employees’ qualifications. Employees are entitled to refuse to perform work if they have genuine reason to fear that their life and health, or the life and health of others, would be put in immediate and grave danger. Such refusal cannot be considered a failure to fulfil their duties.

Relationships with Competitors

At PRETOL, we are convinced that fair and open competition on the market is essential, and therefore we respect and do not harm our competitors. We conduct ourselves towards the competition honestly, in compliance with ethics of fair competition and in the interest of maintaining our good name and reputation. Employees are obliged to proceed in a manner which prevents the leak of confidential information whenever they come into contact with the competition.

Relationships with Suppliers

We choose our business partners so that collaboration is useful both for us and for the particular suppliers. Mutual relationships are founded on respect and correctness. Where possible, we give priority to the selection of local suppliers to eliminate needless transport and to encourage care for the environment, as well as to strengthen the economy of our region. 

Care for Facilities and Equipment

All employees keep their workspaces, vehicles and all used equipment clean and tidy. We take care to ensure that customers always feel comfortable and safe on our premises.

Respect for National Laws

All of PRETOL’s employees are obliged to abide by the laws of the Czech Republic and to comply with legislation applicable in countries where they perform their work.

Performance of Secondary Work

Employees of PRETOL may only pursue gainful activities in a field which is identical or related to their positions or activities for the Company with the employer’s consent. 


You can rely on us. At any time and under any circumstances. We are PRETOL and we are here for you.







Towing service
Abnormal transport
Building work
Our vehicle fleet contains vehicles from the following brands:
Značky vozidel
Our vehicle fleet contains vehicles from the following brands:
Značky vozidel
Our vehicle fleet contains vehicles from the following brands:
Značky vozidel










  HOTLINE 1205
 Towing service +420 777 555 067
 Vehicle service +420 778 481 581 
Motorway D1