Our work

Towing service
Abnormal transport
Body shop and paint shop
Crane services
Buildig work
Special superstructures

Animal transport in style

It is not easy to paint a trailer for transporting animals.


Balconies, balconies, balconies and more balconies

Our locksmith workshop received an order related to the production of balconies.


Development nad production of towing vehicles

What is happening in our company these days?


Transport of chemical plant equipment

From the Czech Republic to Belgium.


VIDEO: Disposal of a maize truck

At 112th km of D1 in direction to Prague a Romanian truck transporting corn crashed on 25 January…


VIDEO: Night mass accident at 49 km D1

Overturning a full palm oil tanker after a night accident on the 49th km of the D1 motorway in the…


From Italy to the Czech Republic or the transfer of a bus of Czech football fans

A bus with Czech football fans crashed on September 17 on a freeway near Milan, Italy.


Trailer painted for the Scuderia Praha Racing team

In the first week of March 2019, we implemented a contract for the Scuderia Praha Racing team.


2018 saw the expansion of our oversized cargo transport department

For our oversized cargo transport department, 2018 was full of news. 


Production and sale of signalling trailers

We produce and sell signalling trailers.


PRETOL is prepared to provide drivers on the D1 with immediate assistance

PRETOL is on hand to provide drivers on the D1 with immediate assistance from this morning until…


International transport of tri-axle buses

In August we wrote an article about a new addition to our vehicle fleet in the oversized cargo…


News from the paint shop: Painting booths under cleaning

Regular maintenance of the workplace is highly important, which is why our painters have set to…


MOTO GP weekend: Increased towing services on standby

The Czech Republic Motorcycle Grand Prix was held in Brno on the first weekend of August 2018, with…


Transport of a Panther to Pyrocar 2018

On Friday 17, and Saturday 18 August 2018, the fire-fighting and rescue vehicle trade fair PyroCar…


Written about us: Crane renovation

In Interaction s.r.o. monthly journal  (the issue 05/2018), an article on the renovation of the…


PHOTO: Troubleshooting the consequences of an accident of a vehicle carrying a digger at Komorovice

Komorovice - The whole night from Wednesday 21st to Thursday 22nd March the workers of the towing…


They are preparing for a demolition of a bridge in Mírovka. A temporary footbridge is already in place

 Mírovka - Preparations for the demolition of the Mírovka bridge near Havlíčkův Brod are…


Road flooded with bottles of Cola

A lorry transporting cola crashed on Tuesday 6 March 2018 near the village of Skuhrov in the…


No sign of mass traffic accident on motorway

The cleaning of the aftermath of the pile-up at the 99th kilometre of Motorway D1, which occurred…


Installation of a signal board on D1

 26 Octobre, 2017 - A new signal board is being mounted on the 77th km of the D1 motorway with the…



  HOTLINE 1205
 Towing service +420 777 555 067
 Vehicle service +420 778 481 581 
Motorway D1